Support Rescue and give a pet a second chance in life
If you are looking for a puppy, dog, kitten, cat, or what ever type of pet. I would like to strongly suggest rescueing and giving that pet a second chance in life. When we took in Nicole.. she was very lonely and sad. She only got to be in a small area. My heart went out to her. I wanted something special. Im very glad to have rescued.. it gives you a wonderful feeling knowing you have done something wonderful for that animal. I know there is many many wonderful dogs in shelters, rescues, and foster care. So what ever breed you choose. Take a look at the ones in need. If you cant rescue.. try donating money, food, or something they are in need of. They are counting on us for help in giving them a second chance. Remember we cant choose our parents but we can choose our pets to become family members. Im going ot list a few sites that have many animals that are in need of home.. if its not here. than its on my links page.
Stop Animal Cruelty
I know alot of sites that are for protecting animals. I cry when I hear about an animal being abused or tortured or killed by the hands of man. I hope tougher laws stop this vicious monsters from what they are doing. I see alot of petitions on alot of sites and email lists.. I try and take the time to see what I can do to help or sign the petition for their cause. My heart does go out to each of the ones that are suffering or have suffered. They cant tell us whats wrong but we can see it in their eyes and we need to stand up and fight for them. I will try and list some wonderful animal welfare sites in the next few days... so please take the time and check out the sites.
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